
I first attended the retreat held by the Fisher of Men in September 2019. At the time, I had two weeks of continuous sobriety along with many personal illnesses. For years, I had been crippled by severe anxiety, depression, and isolation stemming from a relentless struggle with alcoholism. I was invited to the retreat on Frank’s Island by a dear friend, and I decided to attend the retreat with nothing more than a tent and an open heart; that decision indeed provided the change I was desperately seeking.

On the Island, I was introduced to a new way of living that inspires personal growth, honesty, leadership, love, and fellowship. I had an amazing time on the Island during my first retreat, and I have since attended every retreat thereafter, and am now Secretary of the Board for the Fisher of Men Foundation. As a group of brothers striving to help those in need, we are honored to support the founding of a new way of life for anyone who reaches out. 

John M.

I’ve heard about this island and a few stories from some guys I met and how amazing things happen there. I was invited there and actually knew a few guys that were attending and had been there before. I came with an open mind and open heart and left closer to God with 40 new brothers in Christ. While I was there the Holy Spirit was working on me and placed an overwhelming feeling in my heart to help out with Fisher of Men and direct other men living in sin and struggling for an answer towards this life-changing experience . The testimonies of others past experiences and the first hand experience seeing lives changed before my eyes and in the year following are nothing short of miracles. Can’t wait to see what God has in store next for Fisher of Men.

Bill W.

Since my first trip to island, my life has improved in every way. I reconnected with my faith and developed a better understanding of how God works in my life. I’ve been able to get off of medication for anxiety, I’ve been almost completely sober for two years. My business has doubled every year for the past two. I finally put to use years of guitar practice and have made great friends through our Church praise band. I’m no longer scared to be alone, and have become more grateful for my blessings. Although things are still difficult at times, I am finally enjoying the process of life and am able to help others as well. 

Josh C.

My first visit to the island was in the fall of 2016. I was 5 months sober and working diligently, trying to stay focused on my recovery. I went to this retreat with an open mind, not knowing what to expect. After three days there I went home with a feeling that is hard for me to explain. When I stepped onto the island for the first time, it felt as though I could just now focus on improving myself and getting closer to God.  I am so glad I went because I’m not sure where I would be in my recovery if I had not gone. I was able to meet so many people with the same struggles that I went through, and together we form a brotherhood that is priceless to me. I have attended every retreat since my first one and each time I go, I get something different out of it. We are always “fishing” for other men with similar struggles just like we have had, because part of the recovery process for us is to give back what was given to us. I have witnessed countless men of all ages, with different addictions, come here and leave a changed person after the weekend. That’s what The Fishers of Men foundation means to me, and I’m blessed and proud to be a part of it while we continue to grow. This upcoming retreat in April 2022 will be my 11th visit and I will be celebrating 6 years of sobriety from a life threatening drinking and drug problem.

Kenny R.

My first retreat was in the fall of 2017.  I was struggling to stay sober, just finished a 12 week outpatient program, attending AA meetings and learning how to live without drugs and alcohol.  In sobriety something was missing.  I didn’t know how I would every have “fun” again when my version of fun was a bar room or trap house.  It seemed relapse was inevitable even though my convictions were strong.  I had heard talk of a retreat on a private island around the rooms of AA.  I was invited and proceeded to take part in what I now realize was Gods plan to solidify my new found way of life.  From the moment I crossed the channel by way of boat something felt very different.  There were many men who had a way about them.  I did not know what it was at the time, only knew I wanted what they had.  The weekend proceed, for the first time in many many years I had the opportunity to be still: physically, mentally and spiritually.  I drifted and felt far from believing that God could, would or should care about me.  I came to realize through the mentoring on this weekend that couldn’t have been any less true.  I left the island with a renewed belief that there is something bigger than me.  God had shown up for me in a big way.  I continue to return to each retreat in hopes I can help mentor the next guy in the same boat.  Willingness and open mindedness is all we ask.  God will always show up.  Don’t quit before the miracle happens and countless miracles continue to happen.  Will you let yourself be the next?  See you on the boat!
Kevin H.

Putting into words what the Fisher Of Men retreat has done for me isn’t easily explained. I battled drugs, alcohol and depression all my life. I am 50 years old. I have tried everything from jails to institutions. All it took was an easy decision to go on this spiritual mens retreat for me to change my life completely. Since that weekend I have not had the desire to use drugs or drink alcohol again. I have gotten to know Jesus. How much he cares for me and has never given up on me. I’ve met men from all walks of life with the same purpose and common goal as me. To live a better life. To find serenity, peace and happiness and I found that through Jesus and the Fisher Of Men retreat. 
Jamie W.